5th International
OOF-TAS Collective Symposium
2-3 September, 2018
Call for Papers
Announcing 5th TAS Collective symposium concurrent to ECER 2018:
The 5th TAS Collective symposium took place as a pre-conference event on the Sunday and Monday before ECER 2018. ECER was in Bolzano, Italy, a beautiful German speaking part of Italy.
Orienting the Symposium:
So far we have been exploring in the TAS Collective book TAS from an international perspective. It would be useful now to explore it from the perspective of the different subjects. And what TAS means for generating, sustaining and promoting quality teaching across different subjects.
Previously we have had a strong mathematics-science focus to our symposia, but now we would like to open up the program to different subjects. It is possible that out-of-field teaching has different effects in the different subjects in terms of student achievement, learning outcomes, attitudes and relationships.
Also, some subjects are at risk of out-of-field teaching more than others, depending on the way the curriculum is divided and the teacher preparation systems.
Also there are some effects of the experience of teaching out-of-field that are common across subjects.
Exploring these similarities and differences, and the implications for how we respond to TAS will be a focus of the symposium. Therefore, we invite researcher and practitioners interested in the phenomenon of TAS to consider presenting at this symposium.
We are exploring possibilities for a post-symposium publication as a special edition of a journal. We are endeavouring to put together a proposal for a special edition for a journal focusing on TAS, working towards a 2019 or 2020 publication. We are currently looking for a journal that might be suitable for this. Any assistance with this would be appreciated.
Free University Bolzano
Piazza Università 1
Bolzano, BZ,
Ruth Zuzovsky, Anna du Plessis, Susanne Schnell, Jessica Bennett, Linda Hobbs, Christopher Speldewinde, Günter Törner, Catherine Paolucci, Esti Rahayu, Steffen Lünne, Smadar Donitsa-Schmidt
Program available here. Powerpoint presentations downloadable:
Teaching English as a foreign language in primary school: Teacher education and qualification in Germany
Raphaela Porsch & Eva Wilden (Germany)
Teacher Shortage and out-of-field teaching in Israel
Smadar Donitsa-Schmidt & Ruth Zuzovsky (Israel)
The instructional practices of newly hired out-of-field secondary science teachers in the United States
Jessica Bennett, Harleen Singh & Julie Luft (USA)
PCK of newly hired out-of-filed teachers during the first three years of their teaching
Harleen Singh, Jessica Bennett & Julie Luft (USA)
How relevant is the subject for attending a professional development course? – Motives and expectations of out-of-field teachers in mathematics
Steffen Lünne, Susanne Schnell & Rolf Biehler (Germany)
Supporting out-of-field mathematics teachers: an evaluation of a professional development programme
Catherine Paolucci, Máire Ní Ríordáin & Laura O’Dwyer (Ireland)
Professional development for out-of-field post-primary teachers of mathematics: A pre and post analysis of the impact of mathematics specific pedagogical training
Fiona Faulkner & Niamh O’Meara
Examining Primary School Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding of How Being Out-of-field Affects Their Experience in Practice: Wenger’s Social Theory of Learning.
Esti Rahayu & Shuki Osman (Malaysia)
Building a school culture that supports out-of-field teachers: School leaders, STEM, the out-of-field teaching phenomenon and teacher capacity
Anna E. du Plessis (Australia)
How systems generate, sustain and promote quality teaching despite the practice of assigning teachers to out-of-field teaching positions: A model for analysing system data
Linda Hobbs, Colleen Vale, Coral Campbell & Chris Speldewinde (Australia)
Sustaining teaching quality in the face of out-of-field teaching: The perspective of German principals in lower secondary schools
Raphaela Porsch (Germany)
Proceedings will be available at the end of 2018.